Expertise in the Bathroom, Kitchen Remodeling,
Plumbing Repair, Installations, Replacements & More
Expertise in the Bathroom, Kitchen Remodeling, Plumbing Repair, Installations, Replacements & More

A Remodeling & Plumbing Company
in Johnson County, Kansas
I have been helping customers for over 41 years now, but that is a drop in the bucket for the time my family has been in the service business.
Since locating in Johnson County in the early 1900’s, the Randall family has produced 4 generations, to date, of service professionals. My Great-Grandfather, John Randall VI. assisted his son, George Randall starting around 1923, with providing residential water supplies, septic tanks and plumbing repairs with the name: ‘Randall Service’. At times Grandpa was assisted by his wife, Iris, with well digging and other repairs. He built a foot powered lift that would raise buckets of dirt out of a well. It would then turn and the buckets were emptied and then re-lowered. (I hear Grandma got to run the lift)
Johnson County Baths are licensed and fully insured.
Here are some of the plumbing services we provide:

Leak Location







Water Heaters
